Bob Gotti Poems

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Through The Door

You don't like when I speak Truth, I don't like when you teach wrong,
And when you think about God, there's no question what side He's on.

You may think that I'm just arrogant and filled with my own opinion.

What Will The Pagans Say?

When Christ snatches The Church away, what will all the pagans say?
Even when explained with zeal, they don’t believe the rapture’s real.
When God removes all The Light, will they even attempt what’s right?
Christ will come like a thief in the night taking from earth all His Light.

Christ Suffered For Us

Jesus Christ had suffered and died, while His accusers all survived,
The accusers cheered as they said; on the cross the Savior is dead.
Christ was accused of The Truth, which His enemy could not refute.
With a crown of thorns on His head, Christ said forgive them instead.


Testing will come along the way, so men can see just what you say.
Friend as these trials daily come, men see where your heart is from.
And trials friend, will come to all, some are big and some are small.
But The Lord, who created you, knows just how to see you through.

Going Home

Going home sure sounds good, to be at home with the brotherhood.
Home with those who went before, now in the presence of The Lord.
Whether through that veil of death, when I take that very last breath,
Or at that time we upward abound, when we hear the trumpet sound.

The Gospel Truth

The Gospel Truth has been preached, to the far ends of this world,
Many hearts this Truth has reached; Good News men would herald.
And many men with joy received, the Good News they would impart,
Moved by faith, they then believed, then Christ indwelled their heart.

His Righteousness Alone

I have no righteousness of my own but stand on faith in Christ alone,
Abraham's an example to all of us for he believed unto righteousness.
On my own, from God, I stand apart as I was born with a sinful heart,
But Jesus took upon the sin of us to cover us with His Righteousness.

Snatch Them From The Fire

When I truly believed in Jesus The Holy Spirit marked me with a seal,
He then started filling me with His knowledge and gave me His zeal.
The Lord then changed my heart of stone to one that was able to feel,
Those around me with hurting hearts that only Jesus Christ can heal.

Wise Men Still Seek Souls

The purpose of the True Church of God is to always seek out the lost,
And share with them the life changing Gospel, whatever be the cost.

Although the history of The Church is filled with gaps and lulls,

Casting All Your Cares

Cast all your cares to Jesus Christ, and peace will flow into your life.
Just cast every single burden to Him, even those ladened with sin.
Lay them at the foot of the cross, where He died for sins of the lost.
Even when your trials don’t cease, He will fill your heart with peace.

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