Bob Gotti Poems

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Gatherings By God

Soon God shall gather His Bride, all Believers, for who Christ died,
Greeting His Church in the clouds, gathered with Heavenly Crowds,
When Jesus Christ returns again, to receive all who are Born Again,
When gathered to begin Eternal Life, with their Savior, Jesus Christ.

My Walk Of Faith

As doctors pump me with medicine, prescribed for me by mere men,
The Lord my God is at the helm, adding to their staff a Divine Realm,
Guiding the staff in my recovery, of a disease a human eye can’t see,
As The Lord God works to deliver, me, from a cancer now in my liver.

Vocal Change

Very loud and boisterous many are; people we see, both near and far,
Speaking whatever’s on their mind, with words sometimes not so kind,
With an emptiness in their speech; emptiness that only God can reach.
This as God moves upon their life, through The Spirit of Jesus Christ.

Our Task At Hand

If only more men could see, it’s not about down here, but Eternity,
But, Satan has blinded many eyes, to the Truths, he does despise,
As their heart he begins to deceive, like he did with Adam and Eve,
Questioning the very Word of God; fixing minds on the earthly sod.

God Of The Bible

God’s Word was sent by inspiration, every word of God’s Revelation,
If you say He didn’t inspired the Bible, you friend will be spiritual libel.
For God of The Bible, and only He, sent His Son to both you and me,
If you don’t know God of Scripture, you know one, of another picture.

Raised Up By God

Friend, I was raised up by God, to walk with Him upon earth’s sod,
He raised me up from the dust, when He breathed life into all of us.
But, because of man’s sinful fall, I did not walk with The Lord at all,
I simply went about my sinful way, living only for myself day to day.

God Will

“God will” we read all over His Word, Truth to us that can be inferred,
Into the lives of both me and you, for what God says, God shall do,
For everywhere we read “God will”, The Lord above will indeed fulfill,
As God fulfills every jot and tittle, working in all things, big and little.

Work Abounds

Work does truly abound for us, who in Christ have placed our trust,
Working with our Savior friend, for His Kingdom, which has no end,
Among men who oppose His Word, to reach men who never heard,
God’s saving message of Salvation, to be shared with every nation.

The Power Behind All

Rolling thunder is what men hear, as The Lord’s storm draws near,
With lightning piercing the sky, from the Lord, Who reigns on high,
From the clouds above the earth, one more storm, God shall birth,
Beyond all that man understands, it’s not nature, but God’s Hands.

I Have God

I have God and God has me, He’s my guide to eternity,
Where I am, God will be, for my Lord watches over me,
I’m always in God’s sight, as He watches day and night,
Knowing He’s always right, His Word’s my guiding light.

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