Bob Gotti Poems

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Daily Changes

I thank my Lord for night and day, and all the changes along the way,
Changes made by God, in this life, in a world where changes are rife;
Seasonal change, four times a year, on this earthly, terrestrial sphere,
When weather goes from hot to cold, making the changes we behold.

Truth That Sets You Free

Words expressed to you and me, that the truth will set you free,
Not simply truth of any kind, but, Truth which leaves sin behind,
The Truth spoken of is Him; The One Who saves many from sin,
The Truth available to all of us, is the Lord Himself, Christ Jesus.

My Little Light

I need my little light to shine, for The Savior, all the time,
That light God has put in me, for everyone around to see,
The difference now in my life, in the Light of Jesus Christ,
Each and every place I go, my light for Christ must show.

Wrapped In Light

The Lord wraps Himself in light, that darkness cannot penetrate,
Existing high above dark of night, in His Glorious, Eternal State,
His form no eye on earth has seen, by those of us on this earth,
Value believers soon shall glean; that for us will be eternal worth.

The Wayward Fool

Indeed, in and out of life he strays, never doing just what he says,
Playing underhanded games in life, thinking he’s deceiving Christ.
But friend, all will be accountable, even the simple wayward fool.
For not only is Christ God of us, He is also God of the unrighteous.

It's Not Fun

Friend, having cancer is not fun, but, praise God the victory's won,
While my earthly life I may lose, but from God, I have Good News,
If I should die, I will live forever, so what my friend could be better,
Receiving my new body, glorified, I shall live as if I had never died.

Accountable To God

Everyone is accountable to God, every living soul on earth’s sod,
Accountable to the very Creator, whether or not He is their Savior,
As God above cannot be denied, though to many, Satan has lied,
Even while many continue to insist, that, God above doesn’t exist.

Whatever Happens

Whatever happens in my life, is allowed and ensured by Jesus Christ,
For my life's only part of the story, one for God's purpose and Glory,
As God does more than I can see, while for His purpose He uses me,
Being guided by His sovereign hand, in ways one cannot understand.

A Body Of Believers

My friend, a true body of believers, will truly be of one accord,
When the spirit they’ve received, is truly from Christ The Lord.
The infiltration of any deceivers, is one thing unity can’t afford,
If a true body of believers, seeks to serve and glorify The Lord.

The City Of David

God sits up in Heaven and laughs as the nations imagine a vain thing,
For the internationalism of Jerusalem, is the song they seem to sing.

And it is far from an original song that all the nations are singing,

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