Bob Gotti Poems

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For God’s Service

For God’s Service, we are fit, when filled with God’s Holy Spirit,
Given power directly from Christ, as God works through our life,
Controlling all we do and say, when we abide in Him day to day,
Serving Christ, our Glorious King, the one controlling everything.

All Our Trials

All our trials and all our strife, have their roots in our spiritual life,
Friend we are not just anyone, for we are the image of God’s Son.
We were created more than whole; we were given a body and a soul.
All other creation is as you see, but we have been made for Eternity.

His Will, Not Mine

Friend, when I face a mountain high, I look to The Lord up in the sky,
God changes mountains into hills, as God changes things as He wills.
Friend, even if my path seems long, I know that I am where I belong,
For God has planned my path for me, it’s one that ends up in Eternity.

A Body Of Believers

My friend, a true body of believers, will truly be of one accord,
When the spirit they’ve received, is truly from Christ The Lord.
The infiltration of any deceivers, is one thing unity can’t afford,
If a true body of believers, seeks to serve and glorify The Lord.

The City Of David

God sits up in Heaven and laughs as the nations imagine a vain thing,
For the internationalism of Jerusalem, is the song they seem to sing.

And it is far from an original song that all the nations are singing,

In Three Days

As we see all the troubled times upon Israel, God's chosen nation,
To understand these times you need to turn to His Holy Revelation.

Hosea said of The Lord, after two days the land He would revive,

Only One Spirit To Follow

Peace, says the young Believer, while there is no peace in his heart,
And when he's in a throng of True Believers, he only wants to depart.

If you're walking with The Lord, peace and joy will fill your heart,

Maybe You Should Seek His Face

He walks with me, The Lord above, and guides me with Grace and Love,
He walks with me every day and helps me through trials along the way.
He guides me with a loving hand helping with what I don't understand.
He helps each and every hour by filling me with His Grace and Power.

A Special Child Is Born

He was a very special child, who was born in a very miraculous way,
He was born of a virgin on what was otherwise a very ordinary day.

For He was conceived by The Holy Spirit inside his mother's womb,

When I Want To Ask God Why

Sometimes I reach the place in my life where I want to ask God why,
But then I am quickly but gently chided by The Holy Spirit inside.

For a grander plan is underway by God, who fills the earth and sky,

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