Bri Edwards Poems

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"What A Nice Life I Have" was, with Jez Brul, a 'hit'.
Now she wants a sequel.So today I'll write a BIT....
Perhaps two** years of marriage has passed since what first....

'The Poem'


July's showcase is done. It's finished, but not ‘forgot'.
Many of you generously filled at least …one poem slot,
and some filled two, the limit I've put in place for now.
It's nearly August, so ……into August let's now plow.

'Don't forget to take your school book today! '
[Manu's mum sent him off to school; HE'd rather play.]
He took his book, and his tiffin, filled with sweet lunch curry.
He started out slowly; Manu was in NO hurry.

Tom cats [adult male cats] often wander at their leisure,
and when they meet a female, they may ‘give in' to ….. their 'pleasure',
……which at times causes increased ….cat populations,
but rarely do the 'dads' ….take care of their creations.

I go from a mixed bag of Halloween candy,
to a "mixed bag" of poems, dandy.
Soon I move East for six months at least,
to give N. Carolina a taste of this poetic beast.

Into the toilet I just did glance,
&, 'lo and behold', I saw a dance.
Two doodies danced, till they were dead.
They reminded me of old Ginger and of old Fred.

Bri's quest to be a poet-different on P H does survive.
NOW, a fine new idea, for showcases, does, to me, arrive.
In the new month of JUNE I'll display only female works,
and hope, to me, it brings MANY attractive P H Perks.

I lay ‘pon our lonely bed, only the bed and me,
when s’ddenly I got the ‘rge (I tho’ght) to pee.
So ’p I got and off I went, thro’gh the bathroom door.
I sat down ‘pon the toilet, b’t peed two drops, no more.

Near two weeks it took to drive 3000 miles..
to stay in a barn with sheep, hens, & goats, NO smiles.
In the Appalachian ‘hills' of Marshall North Carolina ….
we're settled, ….on the opposite side of Earth from China.

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