Bri Edwards Poems

Hit Title Date Added

Trees were my childhood friends (along with neighbor, Helen) .
Now trees, and other South Carolina plants, have me YELLIN'.
Oh, it may not be outloud-yelling; I keep some feelings inside,
But, my displeasure with some plants here, I'll not from you hide.

Little girl, do you feel many eyes watching you each day,
while, in sun or rain, outside you carry on ….at your play?
It's just me, your multi-eyed little pencil-case-spider-friend.
Remember when last year, on playground, me you did defend?

Bye-Bye Jimmy.....[nature Observations; Death; Personal]

Two days ago out our window in the morning
a unique event appeared to me without warning.
Among the trees, of our neighbor's southern slope,
I spied a large deer which I felt had little hope

My Wife Became A Mermaid & Promptly Swam Away

She was born on the east coast of Japan, bordered by an Ocean.
She'd eaten plenty of Seafood, some raw, ......which she called Sushi.
And she was an accomplished Swimmer & often Swam in a pool, BUT never dawned on me how CLOSE she might have felt/been to the 'Sea'.

'WHY' …she asks, 'do we together now live? '
[[ My wife is/(was?) thinking of ‘leaving me'; IT is TRUE! ]]
To this, her question, what answer shall I now give?
It must be honest and believable ….when I am through.

Bri's Return To His Childhood ….[ I Wish It Could Be ]

The sound of the traffic is quite soothing to hear.
It comes through our windows and into each ear.
There's no hint of a smirk, &, better, not one sneer.
[I won't go so far as to say "road noise" brings cheer.]

From behind, I saw him steal food and drink.
His face was light brown; mine's more pink.
He crossed store's lot to a nearby yard.
‘I thought to myself: "Is his life so hard …

The long envelope was addressed to Mr. Robert K. Hess.
One corner was torn away.....and it lacked a return address.
I’d just received it that day, with a batch of others;
it was a light mail-day; some days the volume smothers.

I Get Age Spots...[ Another Sign Of Old Age? ]

I Get Age Spots

I get "age spots", age spots galore.

It's nice to be wanted, at times, but please don't NEED me!
You may 'wine and dine' me, BUT don't ever PLEAD with me...
to be your friend, mentor, roommate, or spouse; DON'T grovel *!
I'll choose who I'll choose, and WHERE, be it in a palace or hovel *! !

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