Bri Edwards Poems

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[ my introductory poem ]:

Not long ago I submitted an Aug.-Sept. "Showcase List".

Today "T I D Of O P"is emblazoned** on P H's Main Page.
Does this indicate that some are celebrating: "Old Age"? ! !
If so, I can't understand why.What's to celebrate?
In fact, the older I 'get', the more, " Old Age", I hate.

It could be like mine, and mine's a CURSE.

I guess I should have worn my respirator mask! !
In the asbestos mine I almost (but not quite)did ask:

She's up at water, AND to hoe,
then takes her mid-morning break to GO …
to the hay mow to present her 'furrow' …
to "Farm Boy" who 'sows' in "Country Girl".

I once had a gal from Hungary,
but she always made me hungry.
So I ate all of her, ...including ALL of her fat,
and then, in my dining room, alone [AGAIN] I sat!

If you feel a need
For incest.....then keep it
In the family.

Al, My Pal …[ Friendship; Homelessness; Luck: Good & Bad ]

Yes, Al was my pal, and much more than that.
I met him when he was ‘down & out', busted flat,
wearing a shabby coat, homeless, and just TOO slim!
I could relate to that, as I'd been about like him.

In my poem 3-Minute Novel: "Steve's Best Cellar", Steve died.
A reader disliked the ‘sadness'.I'll correct that now, or know I've tried.

In his "best cellar", a "bullet blew a hole through Steve's brain".


'In the church of my Youth there was a 'Triune God':
God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost.

'Useless' can be a nasty word; it can make one feel just like a turd.
But, if you think about it, that's ABSURD. [It' just a word! ! ] …. 'Useless'
I suppose, at times, it's said in jest, or at a bothered mind's behest.
But you'd better never (it) believe, ‘cause if you do, you may be apt to grieve,

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