Bri Mar Poems

Hit Title Date Added
'' Human Beings Are Deranged ''

What would our reaction be,
If an Alien race came here,
Would we bid them welcome,
Assure them there's nothing to fear.

'' Some Of Their Laws Are Nothing But Farce ''

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall,
Humpty Dumpty never did fall,
All the kings horses and all the kings men,
Weren't needed to put Humpty together again.

'' Death Is The Beginning It's Not The End ''

From the day we are born we are dicing with death,
We have limited control over our final breath,
You may live for seconds or for many years,
Our demise is something everyone fears.

'' Do Gods Really Exist ''

It's said God's compassionate he's merciful as well,
Which begs the question why would he create Hell,
It's a terrible torture for Our Lord to create,
To make people suffer is a form of hate.

'' Don'T Ever Drink And Drive ''

I never thought about accidents,
When I drove my souped up car,
I thought I was invincible,
Admired from afar.

'' You'Ll Have Nothing To Fear ''

Do not fear the future or what it may hold,
It's you who'll decide it can never be told,
Nobody knows just what lies ahead,
Obeying your conscience can keep you in good stead.

They'Ll Be Dropping One On You ''

Some people live to create havoc,
There aims are causing scandals,
Among this group of degenerates are,
Those I'll call graveyard vandals.

'' They'Re Our National Treasure ''

If there's one thing in life which will start a war,
It's conflict between the young and old,
Let's stop and reflect and start asking what for,
These disputes can and do leave us cold.

'' You Have No Morals ''

The preachers of hate claim they hate the west,
While on their moral throne they sit,
Yet they'll take our money when put to the test,
Their ideals are straight from a pit.

'' Disaster Will Be Beckoning Soon ''

December 21st Two Thousand and Twelve,
We will see the Earths demise,
Into Mayan history we must now delve,
As it's to us their prediction applies.

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