Brie Carter Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Typical Emo Love Poem

Girl meets Boy
Girl falls in love
Boy falls in love with Girl's Friend
Friend goes out with Boy

Hush Little Sister

Hush, little sister
Please don't cry
I wish I could be there
To sing you a lullaby

High School

The Freshman girl, oh, so shy,
Sits and watches the Sophomore guy,
The Sophomore guy, his head in a whirl,
Sits and watches the Junior girl,

Boy With His Head Down

Miles had his head down on his desk.
He was the meanest brute
His head’s down on his desk so much
It began taking root.

What Makes A Dad

God took the strength of a mountain,
The majesty of a tree,
The warmth of a summer sun,
The calm of a quiet sea,

Best Days

(a song i wrote)
Every time I look at you
You always look so beautiful
Driving on the road again

Thanks To You

Thanks to you
I can no longer open up and let my guard down
Thanks to you
I wonderif the next man I meet will be online fooling around

When I Stop Loving You

I'll stop loving you
When diamonds don't sparkle
And flowers cease to grow
When thunder doesn't echo

A Note

He gave me a note
The day after the call
He says that he likes me
Too much to give up

An Old Record

Stars revolving in the dark fabric of the night above
Moonlight trickling through the curtains
My cries shatter the hazy veil of dreams

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