C. Bake Baker Poems

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Part Of This Waste

Rotting youth, spent too much to keep
Days of pain, night of shapeless wonders
Reasons to live are gone, wasted and splintered in nameless sleep

Lights are gone, lonlier than me, they slowly flicker off


Redemption, however soiled by the truth,
must sometimes be remembered

Our mistakes in life help us progress,

When To Kill

Clutching the arm of a redden ash chair,
reaching for something in the folds of her hair.
He pulled a small piece of those proud fearless strands
and realized the effect of her long-soughted plans.


The harlot feels her head cave in,
Squeezing blood from her ovaries.

Final action of God’s final child

Empty Shades Of Blue

Never had the choice to someday curse the chore
Made a empty promise and brought you back for more
Cover up my arrogance and let nature take its course
Something lost and taken from me, leaving full remorse

Little Rooms

Voices have fallen down, in cluttered little rooms
Fate will sometimes pass us by, with something lost too soon

Some days are weak in our restraint, where have they all gone?

Lower Strings

I ain't got an arm to hold you.
I've got no time to be home
Better to stay and lie around
than leave and be alone?


Blonde Goddess, liar of a lifetime
Fate aflame with madness,
hardy ambitions peppered with doubt
your forgiveness, drunk and enraged,

Old Music

Samples of time, tolerance drains.
Skin vibrates against bones, flushing blood to brains

Black handed baseline accommodations, burning away all our soft skin,
Doomed to never find out where to finally begin.

Follow Close

Time has no such place at all,
certain light just before the fall.
No one can ever get it right
and no such luck can never fight.

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