Cj Heck Poems

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Looking Back...

There comes a time in life
when we all look back.
We realize the goals we’ve met
have turned out to be more important

Death Of A Marriage

I’ve given it my best.
The years frown back
from the mirror
to show me just how long,

Rockin' The Boat

Fishin' is a lot like marriage.
Both are great things to be doin'
and the rewards are
well worth the time spent...

I Remember Mama

I remember Mama
blowing chewing gum bubbles
to entertain us
while she ironed.

The Birthday Wall (Children)

In Daddy's bedroom down the hall,
there's a special place, The Birthday Wall.
Every year about this time,
he hugs me then he draws my line.

My Tooth (Children)

The toothfairy took my tooth lath night
and left thome money, too.
But now I can't thay wordth too well
and I don't know what I'll do.

A Valentine For An Old Love

In an old shoebox
hidden in the attic,
there rests among
my cherished things,

Little Sister's Word (Children)

Little sisters are adorable.
We've tried to tell ours, though...

you can have a lot of 'clothes',

I Can Fly! (Children)

A long time ago, a little girl
believed that she could fly.
She saw the movie, 'Peter Pan'
and decided she would try.

Puddle Stompin' (Children)

I like saying, spring has sprung.
I like the way it sounds.
And spring brings with it lots of rain,
(God's wringing out his clouds) .

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