Cj Heck Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Lost In Awhile Ago

It’s a warm summer night,
warmer still where she is,
lost in awhile ago.

We Need To Get Away

Have I told you lately
how good you smell
when the shower
finally spits you out?

The Lighthouse (Children)

There's a lighthouse on an island
built on boulders in the sea.
A home to no one anymore,
and it's beautiful to me.

Playin' Cowboy (Children)

I love to be a cowboy
and ride my horse around the room.
He's black and white and he won't bite
(he's really Mommy's broom) .

The Affair

She bathed in the love
he showered on her,
the tiny droplets like blood
staining the holy threads

Letter From Heaven (Children)

Mommy, Daddy, how I miss you
and I know you're missing me.
There are windows here in heaven
and every day I look and see

The Rainbow (Children)

Today I saw a rainbow
with bright colors in the sky.
I couldn’t see its start or end,
just its middle, way up high.

If I Could Choose

If I could choose my place to die,
it would be there,
my head in the cradle of your shoulder,
bodies entwined,


I’m coming, my love.
I can hardly wait to see you again,
high on wonderful feelings
as I am…

Lemonade Stand (Children)

Get your ice cold glass of lemonade!
Hurry, before it's gone.
We made it just this morning.
See the table that it's on?

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