C. K. Young

C. K. Young Poems

Why you raped my best friend I don't know
Just for her looks? Are you really that shallow?
But what you don't know is that I'll hunt you down
I'll torture you and in your own blood you'll drown...

'First the worst'
They say...
'Second the best'
So cliche...

The reason I don't smile
Is not what it may seem
And its not because
My teeth don't gleam...

Just who am I?
I'm nothing to you
Just the thought alone
Makes my heart go blue

Down the barrel, down the scope
For you, there is no hope
Your death will be quick
One finger-pull should do the trick

Whenever I'm near you
I cannot speak
For on the inside I feel very weak...
So I hide myself behind an invisible wall

A man came up and insulted my race
Insults my culture right in my face
I became angered, and with no disregard
I clench my fist and strike him real hard


I held the knife close
Ready to die...
I did not fear
All I did was cry...

Like a grain of sand...
As I gaze down
At my bloody, empty hands...

There is a darker side of me you'll never know
On the outside it rarely does show...
If I gave it a second thought I'd rather not tell you
Because you'd forever regret it if you knew...

All the suffering I've gone through
Was all caused by you
You've left me full of hate
Trying to go on in life in this state

Black is the shade of death
And the color of those who have taken their last breath
Red is the stain of suffering and pain
All who fall to this are anything but sane


Sorry, I despise that word
The belief that it can fix anything is just absurd...
I don't want an apology, I want revenge
Forgiveness to you, I will not lend...

A dark nightmare haunts me to this day
The only colors in it are red, black, and grey
In the middle lays a wooden casket
And a lone light descends upon it

Painted nail with dyed hair
Yet always misunderstood...
And always taunted more
Than others ever really should...

Until I met you
My life was pretty much a void...
I never felt happiness
And my emotions always toyed...

Girl, you broke my heart
Girl, you broke me down
Girl, you were the one
Who turned my life around

You and me
Are not destined to be
But we can still be friends
Cant we?

I've been waiting
No one to talk to, but myself
No joy. no happiness
No self-wealth

It hurt to see you fall for another
It hurt more to watch you fall apart
After he left, gone forever
The sight of it, it breaks my heart

The Best Poem Of C. K. Young


Why you raped my best friend I don't know
Just for her looks? Are you really that shallow?
But what you don't know is that I'll hunt you down
I'll torture you and in your own blood you'll drown...
You think you can just take advantage of women?
If you're not stopped you'll just to it again
And just 'cause you're in a gang
Doesn't mean I won't make you hang...
So get ready to die, but your death won't end well
I'll send you where you belong: burning in hell....

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