C R Clark Poems

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Ode To My Wife

In a world of many wonders
I ne’er expect to see
A lass who’ll hold my fancy
As bountifully as thee

*jasper Moses

Along the banks of Cyprus Creek
Where panthers prowl and “gators” creep
The murky water fairly teems
With cottonmouths and Cyprus knees

*the Old Man And The Boy

The old man and the boy
Loved to go out to the woods
Collect rich pine and broken limbs
And assorted chunks of wood

An Obtuse Request

It’s very true that in myself
The virtue of patience is sadly want
So, Lord, I ask you grant to me
The gift of patience and if you please

Forever Mom, I Love You Too

You gave me life, you gave me love
You were God’s gift from above
First to Dad, then to brothers, three
You were God’s first gift to me

Come Get Me, Lord Jesus

As a child I used to wonder
What the Rapture might really be
When I heard the old folks talk about it
It always frightened me

*thickets And Thorns Or Sweet Sweet Fruits

Man is like a plot of land
That basks in God’s sunshine
Saturates itself in God’s rain
And nurtures life within itself

Feelings Can Be Deceptive

A wise man once told me, some years ago
When you feel a dilemma is so direly real
You should surely reflect on well founded facts
And do not rely on just how you feel

The House On Centerville Road

We stopped beside the highway
And gazed at the old house
I told my wife, “That’s where I lived”
When I was just a little sprout

Ode To Baldness

Heads that shine are “oh so fine”
And mostly trouble free
No hair to fly when wind is high
They’re always slick and neat

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