Carlos Ramos Poems

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Não Foste Breve Na Minha Noite

Não foste breve na minha noite
nem tangível como as faúlhas brancas do poema
o abismo onde se escorrega livremente
é o pássaro das coisas intensas

The House

I bound my lips to your destiny
thus begin certain stories to two mouths
someone dips their hands in the water
and build a house

Where Was A Star In The Mouth

Where there once was a star in the mouth
today a black stone is visible
and the mystery is this despair
of the words that do not embody the poem

At The Window Of Your Birthday

Life passes you by the window
an icy air
burn the time left
she goes away

Travel Notebook

The wall devoured by the sun
the small flowers closed in the refections
their mouths open to the hopeful blue of the day
in the water eyes

Top Of The World

Where everything was scarce
were you

Fly me the word

You Were Not Brief In My Night

You were not brief in my night
nor tangible like the white sparks of the poem
the abyss where it slips freely
is the bird of intense things

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