Cassnadra Nuddkebrook

Cassnadra Nuddkebrook Poems

If I should reach out and touch you,

Please do not think that I love you

Into this earth we have built ourselves,
You and I.
Like so many caves that dot the mountainsides,
Dark and deep, cool and damp.


I loved her.
Not because she was beautiful,
Even though she was.
The curve of her body did not hypnotize me,

To the old couple inside the restaurant, sitting next to the window with us right outside:

Keep glaring...if you happen to get a flat tire or need help a ways down the road, we'll still stop and help.


Let the silence come.
Let it come and wrap around me like a blanket.
Let my head by clear,
my ears be numb,

I was born from cold bones,
baby girl full of dreams for him,
at the bottom of a bottle.

The Best Poem Of Cassnadra Nuddkebrook


If I should reach out and touch you,

Please do not think that I love you

Anymore then you’re dearest enemy

Or greatest friend.

For in loneliness there is no shame

Or harbored feelings.

If I should cry on your shoulder

Do not think that I cry for you

Or anyone other then myself.

For misery is a selfish thing

And does not need your problems.

If my words should touch your heart

Keep them near,

As if the last thing you will know of me

For I have nothing else to give.

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