Charles Kehinde Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Best Of The Best

I'm the best of the best
Just like George Best
My enemies may try their best
To put me to rest

The Best Relationship

It starts with 'Wow...! ! ! ! What kinda girl is that....She's an angel...SO BEAUTIFUL! ! ! DAMN! ! ! '

It continues with 'I'll like to know her better than i do right now....Hello Angel....Can i be your friend? '

The Best Relationship(Part 2)

I think we're all guilty of trying to find that perfect person for us. In our minds, we have an idea of what we want and we strive to find that person to fall in love with. We seek physical attractiveness, to the way they should act, to the quirks and personality they should have. But what I think people don't tend to realize is that this perfect person that is dreamt up in our minds, is not always the perfect one for them. Most of time, it's the unexpected that manages to take our breaths away like no other.

Today.......'The Bright And Morning Star'

Morning Star dispelling all the darkness

banishing the gloom of my awfulness.

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