Christina Georgina Rossetti Poems

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Passing Away, Saith The World

Passing away, saith the World, passing away:
Chances, beauty and youth, sapp'd day by day:
Thy life never continueth in one stay.
Is the eye waxen dim, is the dark hair changing to grey

The Thread Of Life

The irresponsive silence of the land,
The irresponsive sounding of the sea,
Speak both one message of one sense to me:--


I cannot tell you how it was,
But this I know: it came to pass
Upon a bright and sunny day
When May was young; ah, pleasant May!

A Frisky Lamb

A frisky lamb
And a frisky child
Playing their pranks
In a cowslip meadow:

A Dirge

Why were you born when the snow was falling?
You should have come to the cuckoo's calling
Or when grapes are green in the cluster,

A Pause Of Thought

I looked for that which is not, nor can be,
And hope deferred made my heart sick in truth:
But years must pass before a hope of youth

From “later Life”

We lack, yet cannot fix upon the lack:
Not this, nor that; yet somewhat, certainly.
We see the things we do not yearn to see


I took my heart in my hand
(O my love, O my love),
I said: Let me fall or stand,
Let me live or die,

In Progress

Ten years ago it seemed impossible
That she should ever grow so calm as this,
With self-remembrance in her warmest kiss
And dim dried eyes like an exhausted well.

From The Antique

It's a weary life, it is, she said:
Doubly blank in a woman's lot:
I wish and I wish I were a man:
Or, better then any being, were not:

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