Christine K. Trease Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Beside The Raging River Rhyme

Beside the raging river rhyme
poetry florets flower with prose.
Scripted sweet petals grow and entwine
English gardens of fragrant rose.

Childrens Book-Minerva’s Magical Potion

A long time ago when me mum’s mum was small,
when frightful ghosts haunted the Trankleville Hall,
my great, great grandmother made a name for herself
using common ingredients found on her shelf.

A Rhyme Of Passion

I see you and my palms begin to sweat.
My mouth grows drier with each breath I take.
My knees begin to quiver and I say the darndest things,
which my mouth can’t stop, and my heart begins to quake.

Unlove Me

Don't look at me that way; don't say those things to me.
Don't make me notice you; I do not want to see.
Don't get inside my head; don't tell me that I'm smart.
I do not want the pain; you're too close to my heart.

Childrens Book-I Have Seen The Wind

I have seen the wind through its invisibility
Sometimes I see the wind when it shows itself to me.

Sometimes the wind is brown and gritty and forms in twists and spires

My Grandpa

My grandpa is a special one, he lets me climb his tree.
He helped me build a birdhouse, he says he's proud of me.
His face lights up with smiles when he sees me in the drive,
he says I am the reason that he cares to stay alive!

Grandma Dear

My grandma is a special one, she's always there for me.
She kisses all my blues away, and takes me
on her knee as she cuddles me down in her
arms and sings sweet songs to me.

Unrequited Love

Apron undone
Weeping begun
Once keeping a heart was sincere
Hands clasp a face

Childrens Book-The Greedy Little Elephant

Once upon a daydream, many years ago,
all the jungle elephants wore a short, gray nose.

It didn't seem a problem, they were all made that way.

The Clarity Of An Insane Mind

Every night when I kneel to pray,
I ask the Lord to keep me this way.
Through tired eyes and thoughts sometimes hazy
I ask to remain just a little bit crazy.

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