Cicely Fox Smith Poems

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The Quest (Horses For The Army)

Too good for the knacker, too poor for the lurry!
Let him go to the army that buys in a hurry!
Too good for the kennels, too poor for another,

The Quest Of The Queen

All on a windy morn in lusty March,
Rode Godwin hawking thro' his father's woods
And singing as he rode: stalwart was he,

The Rally Round The Flag

The rally round the mother-land
Is spreading far and near,
For to every loyal Englishman
That mother-land is dear.

The Recruit

Bat and ball are there, lad,
And you not there to play . . .
'There's a nobler game playing
For English lads today.'

The Red Duster (R. N. R. Demobilised)

Oh, some will save their Navy pay and take their ease ashore
And some will sit at an office desk and go to sea no more,

The Red Rose

'The sword of the Lord, and of Gideon.'

Through the years - from the far day of Flodden,
From the gardens of Minden, the trodden

The Rendezvous

A pub there is of far renown,
A pub that seamen know
In every street of Sailortown
Or sea where they in ships go down

The Return

'When did your ship dock, Jim Dale,
That you come so late this night?
Long since I heard the clocks strike three,
And it will soon be light.'

The Return Of The Prodigal

I rode into Pincher River on an August afternoon -
The pinto's hoofs on the prairie drumming a drowsy tune -

The Rhyme Of The Four Strong Men

In lands that are now forgotten,
In the old wild days of yore,
The Four Strong Men made compact
That they should fight no more.

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