Cindy Wyatt Poems

Hit Title Date Added
God Is Merciful

Our God is so gracious, merciful and lovingly kind
In his Word He gives us sweet peace of mind
He remembers our frame and that we are dust
Though He is so perfect and holy and just


Sometimes hearts beat slow and then sometimes fast
People get so scared they end up at the ER at last
Doctors do EKGs and look at the monitor sheet
But no one knows but God when your heart will stop to beat

Jesus Paid My Debt

Jesus paid a debt I owed
I debt I could not pay
It was only by his merciful grace
that for me there was a way

Savior On The Cross

Jesus carried his heavy cross to Calvary
It was all because of his great love for you and me
Cruel men did mock him and spit in his face
He endured it all because he was taking our place

God Is Love

God is love, Satan is hate

God is light, Satan is darkness

End Of Story

The most exciting part of a story is not
the beginning but the end
It's when our pilgrimage is over
that the best part is penned

Beautiful Feet

Having beautiful feet is being a witness and soul winner
to spread the good news of the gospel to every lost sinner

Having beautiful feet is going where sent

Being Saved

Being Saved

Being saved is like being on a plane

Directions To Heaven

To get to your destination
you have to go the right way
So open up your bible to John 3: 16
and hear what it has to say

Noah And The Ark

The only way to be saved is
through faith in Christ's shed blood
The kind of faith that Noah had when
he built the ark before the flood

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