Cindy Wyatt Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Jesus Did All The Saving

Jesus did ALL the saving of my soul
I didn't help him any
He paid it all in full
I didn't pay a dime or penny

Are You Going To Heaven

Are you going to Heaven

Do You Have Jesus

Do you have Jesus or is he just someone you've heard about
Have you tasted of his mercy and grace without a doubt

Are you certain he has forgiven you of sin and saved your soul

Salvation Is Believing

There are many apostate preachers
in the world today
by perverting the pure gospel of Jesus
to change it to their own way

Everything Was Changed

I once was dead in trespasses and sins
but now am alive in Christ
I once walked in the ways of the world
but now my citizenship is in heaven

I Love Jesus

I love Jesus because he first loved me
He rides the waves with me through the stormy sea
When I'm sailing smoothly across the bay
And a raging storm comes my way

Is Your Name Written Down

Is your name written down in the Heaven up above
It will only be there if you accept God's great gift of love
His love is the wonderful plan of salvation that he gave
When his only son went to the cross for you and me to save

How Long Is Eternity

If you take your last breath today
do you know where you will spend eternity
If you live to be 103 and then die
where will you be?

Going To Church

When young I used to go to church
and loved to hear the preacher speak
I longed to learn God's word
and with my heart his will to seek

Counting The Cost

Trusting Jesus for salvation of the soul
is a free gift that can never be lost
but to follow Jesus and be his disciple
a born again Christian must count the cost

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