Cindy Wyatt Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Furnace Of Affliction

While going through the furnace of affliction
it makes your faith to grow with a stronger conviction

Though the battle is wearing you down in the midst of your storm

Believing On Christ

Salvation is not giving your life to Christ,
but believing He gave his life for you
believing in your heart that He died for your sins
and He will make your heart new

All Things Are Possible

All things are possible
when we walk by faith and not by sight

All Things Work For Good

to those who love God
He watches us from his throne
and sees the path we trod
He is our heavenly father

The Fight And The Race

The most exciting part of a fight
is when it is won
and the best part of a race
is when it is done

The Comforter

Jesus gives us peace in our heart
that the world cannot give
Because of the Holy Spirit
who dwells within and lives


Faithfulness is doing things
we don't feel like doing
It's looking at the bigger picture
and eternal things pursuing

Affectionate Christians

Christians should not only love one another
they should be kindly affectionate too
To tell your sister or brother you love them
will brighten their day tis true

Jesus Is My Master, Savior, And Friend

Jesus Is My Master, Friend, And Savior

Jesus is my master

Uproot Bitterness

Bitterness is like a tree whose roots
grow deeper and deeper
It takes away one's joy
and makes them a spiritual sleeper

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