Clarence A. Graham, Jr. Poems

Hit Title Date Added

Marilyn, Marilyn My lovely Marilyn
A wonderful woman without being din

During my first week at Edgewood Vista

Lil' Oscar

Lil' Oscar was the cutest and smartest little puppy you ever wanted to see
And the only place he wanted to be was with me

One day, the family was having a picnic at the lake

The Firey Furnace

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were thrown into the firey furnance to burn
Because of their intense Faith and Love of God

Someone asked, 'How many men did Nebuchadnazzer see walking in the firey furnance? '

Jewish People

Never be derogatory to the Jewish people
They are God's children same as you

Love them as God loves them

Flin Flanaghan

Flin was the best flin driver there ever was
Every time, he entered a race he won

Flin had a friend whose name was Flan

My Beloved One

Dedicated to my Deceased Wife, Marian

My Beloved One, you are so easy to love
You were sent to me by God in Heaven above

Rall The Alchemist

In Atlantis, a long time ago, lived a man named Rall
To be an alchemist was his call

He did many good things for others

Peter And His Pet Wombats

Peter Ungaling lived in the outback of a town in Australia
He had a pair of pet wombats

He named one Wom and the other Bats

Three Feet To Heaven

We are only three feet from Heaven
Three feet above in another dimension

All your deceased pets, family and friends

Frisky Fox

Frisky Fox was out in the farm yard
He was looking around the yard

He was looking for the chicken coop

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