Colette Dright Poems

Hit Title Date Added
How Some People In New Orleans Talk

imma, burl, uca, sheon't, heebie, deygon, churn, gon, fitna, who dat,
cuz, ion't, dem, whatcha, dat, make groceries, uon't, boocoo, earl, bouta, blowin', downbad, weddey, baby…

imma - Imma call you later. You going with her? No, imma go by myself.

Birds Are Free

Birds are free
Free to laugh, free to cry
Free to leave with no good-byes
Free to spread their wings so high


The caterpillar she crawls around and around
Wondering when he'll come home to lay his head down
She cooked and cleaned and is awaiting for he
But there with his caterpillar, he'd rather not be

The Strength Of A Woman

The strength of a woman should not be taken for granted
Nor should it be misunderstood
It is not that she can't, for she has proven she could

Why Should You Miss Me

Why should you miss me?
When I was there were you aware?
Aware that I exist or was I someone you chose to dis?
Dismiss from your sight and out of your space


Yes, the government was unprepared
Brushed it off and didn't care
Dropped the ball, was slow to act
They knew ahead and that's a fact

Women Stop Complaining

Alright listen, when it comes to relationships and marriages
There are NO rules and do's
There is a way to win, yet you choose the way to lose


In this world, so many people focus on name brands and designers.
You want designer this, designer that. You want the best, the newest, the most expensive. You want the car, the yacht, the designer clothes, the designer purses, the designer shoes… You want the 2.3 million dollar home, designer, customized, high in furniture, I could go on and on, but you understand what I am saying.
You want the best of the best, high in top of the line, quality stuff. But that's just what that is - STUFF. Stuff you can't take with you, stuff that won't get you into heaven and sometimes, it's just stuff to impress.

The United States Of America

The 'United States, ' what exactly does that mean?
Does that mean only the states that are 'united' and sides with one's set of ways and views? And how is it that the 'Red' states are considered better and put on a pedestal and the 'Blue' states are bashed and called poor, unfit and crime infested? But let's say for the record that those statements are true. Well, they didn't become that way overnight, which means, it has been like this for some months or even years and in that case, could it be a reflection of 'The Leadership? '
Things that are currently happening right now are happening right now and should have some resolution or action being taken right now, not in November, December or next year.

From Pieces To Peace

There are so many times we have experienced situations where we were in pieces. Where we were broken into pieces, shattered into pieces, torn into pieces, left in pieces, picked up pieces, mended pieces, put pieces together… and so on.

But to be able to transition those pieces to Peace, is truly amazing!
The power is in the prayer, yes PRAY.

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