Cosmic Dreamer Poems

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Heaven Is Hell

As I walk down a golden paved highway,
The sound of angels song fills my ears,
I dance amidst the couds that surround me,
A vision of paradise stretches out before me,

Beneath A Blood Red Sky...

Your hand in mine as we stroll along the beach,
I listen to the gentle lapping of the waves on the sand,
I feel the cool evening breeze that kisses my skin,
I breathe in the salty sea air and the sweet scent of you,

I Dream Of You...

I am the Dreamer, you are my dream,
You stroll through my mind your face unseen.
My breathless wish for your soft touch,
I yearn for your embrace I need you so much.

Christmas Magic

Although I wear a christmas smile I am dying inside,
Christmas is not possible whithout magic,
Yet magic is an impossibility whitout love,
For only love is the gift that shall grow and grow,

Bonded Souls

Although you shall never feel it, there is a soft touch
And tender kiss I give to you freely,
They shall linger longer than these bodies we posess,
After we are dust and gone from this life,

What Are Dreams?

Inside my dream, everything is perfect,
As I peruse my thoughts, I am at peace,
Eternally alone my light shall shine true,
I have grown to appreciate my own company,

I Hope You Dance

I hope you never lose that sense of fascination,
That keeps your soul in a state of consternation.
As you wander through this life, I hope you dance,
I hope life always seems to give you that second chance...


Sinking in a sea of pain and hurt,
My inner demon, my darker half,
Taunting me with my own emotions,
This heart can endure no more pain,

No Fairytale...

This is not a fairytale,
Let me allow you into my mind,
Where dreams and nightmares are possible,
Where fragtments of scattered dreams live,

The Garden Of Life...

Each of us are flowers in the garden of life we bloom,
We all bring a different light to brighten the daily gloom.
We all posess great potential to inspire our fellow man,
To offer peace and love is a choice we all should plan.

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