Cynthia Buhain-baello Poems

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Mabuhay Philippines!

Though my country is at its lowest
I firmly believe that it will ably pass the test

Though the nations will grope in financial needs

Encouragement - Double Acrostic

Each new day is a rare chance at LifE
Not merely an accident, lightly takeN.
Considering death is our cul de saC
Obviously our Fate, that's eventually sO.

Death (Quatrains)

He comes with grim finality
With no qualms, takes the toll.
All prayers shelved desolately,
Cutting off life is his call.

Weather (Cinquain)

Like wind that blows
Uncharted in its course
It is never predictable

Running The Race Of Life

As we run this finite race of life
To the finish line in swiftness of soul,

We undress ourselves of the baggage of strife

His Healing Grace ~ Acrostic # 5

He gave forgiveness for all who repent
In His great Mercy paid it all at Calvary
Sacrificed so perfect, Grace touched you and me.

April Rain (Haiku)

Vibrant soft petals
kissed by April's soothing rain
bloom in songs of joy.

Imagination (English Sonnet)

Fanciful delight filled the young girl eyes
In her child's world of color and wonder.
Her quaint dragon friend had a big surprise,
They were having a bunny party there!

Running The Race

Living life is like running a race
You have to go on and live each day
With courage and hope no matter what you face
Whatever the seasons that may come your way.


Fear causes paralysis
Emotions are all numbed
Thoughts go may blank
As one becomes deaf and dumb.

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