Cynthia Buhain-baello Poems

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Guilt's Toy

A chicken does not lay a chick,
It lays an egg.
A cartooned heart can never beat
Though it is red.

Am I Lucky I Have You?

Am I lucky I have you?
Yes, you keep saying so,
Repetition doesn't make it true
And that is what I know.

Strange That We Should Feel This Way

Strange that we should feel this way
And yet it goes on
Like flowing streams
In endless days


The fooling of Self starts with lies
Pretensions that cover naked eyes

Writing based on sly and covert moves

Freedom And Responsibility

With freedom comes responsibility
And Freedom of Speech has so many

We cannot just throw every verb and pronoun

A Man Is

Shall we all go like phantoms in the night?
Drifting shadows, hollow mists of reasons vague?

Defeat and sorrow, these we have in sight


What we feed to the children
In words, actions, and example
Will later form them in the end
Into better or bitter people.

Master, Or Slave?

All men were created to be free
But some have chosen another way
Life choices were made into slavery
That ebbed their humanity away.

Ask, Seek, Knock

I sank in my quicksand life of confusion,
Had knowledge and learning, had a degree,
Engulfed in theology and false religion
But I did not have spiritual eyes that see.

For My Lost Brother Frankie

Suicide took your pain away
But left us with questions unanswered
Mom did not know it till her dying day
But I'm sure silently she wondered.

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