Daleen Enslinstrydom Poems

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Am I My Brother’s Keeper?

“Am I my brother’s keeper? ”
Cain did asked the Lord,
in a answer of what God had asked him
and I wonder am I?

Forgiving And Forgetting

Do each one of us
walk the paths of remembering
that leads to the hideaway place of yesterday?
Do we still seek the pain

The Empty Sky

The scarlet rosy moon hangs over the escarpment
of the purple rinsed mountains
as if it was painted in the sky
and over the villa the stars glisten and glimmer

The Fox In The Hen Coop

The moon hangs low over the valley
and the stars flicker in the distance
while the night is cold and foggy
and this is the time

Happy Birthday To The Best Mom In The World

Mom, on this day I want to dedicate a pledge to you.
In the years that I have known you,
your eyes showed love without any boundaries
and you had an understanding

The Face In The Mirror

I have known you all of my life
and when I look back
I see your childhood face
with you long blonde hair and freckles

Answer Me In Rainbow Coloured Dreams

where oak trees grow
and flowers always bloom along the streams
and ducks swim on the river's water,
when your dreams are met in my eyes.

Love Will Prevail

You came into my life like a rainbow
after the storms of my life had subsided for a while
but did not promise that the rain would not start again.

When The Choir Begins To Sing

When the red sun burns like a bush-fire
the blue horizon is coloured
with photo memories burning into the irises of the eyes
and the skeletons of trees move in the wind

Cold Water And Warm Love

Have I told you that I do love you
from the depths of my soul,
that are deeper that the deepest ocean.

Darling I want you to know it,

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