Daleen Enslinstrydom Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Love Is Medicine

Love is medicine for the heart
that can make despair disappear
and cause a knight to appear.

On The Donkey Cart

It was very early in the morning
when old Jafta waked me and Mieta up
as we did ask to travel with him
to the milk depot.

Letters To The Postman


Dear mister postman,
the teacher asked me today

Spitting Cobra

As if killed, turned on its own back,
the serpent lies motionless, as if asleep
while something in the black eyes glow

while its measuring spitting, striking distance,

That Snake Was A Venomous Thing (Rondine)

I saw it whispering, suddenly hissing,
with its waving big head drawn somewhat back
it was looking deadly, ready to attack;
just moments before it was uncoiling,

Female Spider

Her web gleams like the spokes of a bicycle,
she weaves her own pattern out of her soul
as a decagon that she keeps rolling out,
out of her inner silver shiny pivot

Broken Clay Vessels

When your heart leaks
of sadness like a broken clay vessel
and words of people just leave potsherds
and everything that you did believe

The Waterberg Mountains Of My Youth

Far and as wide as the eye can see
lays the valleys, between the acacia trees,
the rock faces and the hillocks
of the Waterberg Mountains

The Lonely Sentinel

Like a lonely sentinel
the windmill towers over the flat escarpment
of the northern Free State,
drawing water deep out of the earth


In everything in time and space,
events and the things that do matter
are entangled in a time machine,
are waiting on an uncertain tomorrow.

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