Daleen Enslinstrydom

Daleen Enslinstrydom Poems

Under the shade of the old oak tree Jafta sit
and his mind wanders back as he reflects on his life
while the sun sets in the west.
He is overcome with sorrow to braking point,

Happiness is so different
to each and everyone
and to you it’s probably
all the things that money can buy,

I have known those hands all of my life
and many times I have looked at those hands,
at big rough hands that worked the fields
and calluses in their palms tell a own story

A good friend makes life easier
when destiny covers you with a dark blanket
and you have got nowhere to hide
she is there with a cup of tea

Mom, you are more than just a mother’s day mother,
you are the one that really do understand
all of the things that goes on in a child’s heart
as you were a child too

When the sorrows of this world
is sprayed like graffiti on the walls of your heart
and it screams out in silence
to every passer by

She sits on the porch
early in the morning
just as the sun breaks through some clouds
after a stormy night

Joy and sadness goes hand in hand
on life’s journey to somewhere,

promises and fulfilment

Obsession is not a word
to describe my fascination with chocolates.

Milk chocolates that melt in you mouth

and I have seen so much sorrow
in these past few years
and when I get out of my car
in front of a rundown house

In the basin the old wrinkled hands are quiet for a while
and her head is bowed in reverence
while a tear runs down her face
and if you should ask about it

The time of year had come again
when our school was having a fair.
Letters that beg and plea
for helping hands,

Before you came into my life
the candle of love had burnt out
a long time ago
and I was left hard and cold.

There was a time in my life
when I was just a child
and we lived in a small community
in the mountains of the Marico district

You got out of bed,
opened the curtains to let the sun come through
and turned back to me with a smile saying:


When the heaven cries outside
and are taking pleasure
in songs of joy and pain

With small beady eyes you are watching me
and do appear with your round body
where you are sitting on your hind legs
and are rubbing your hands together

Your words are like thousands of butterflies
landing on the flowers of my heart.
and I have learned to blossom
when I hear them.

Where streams flow,
where the sun rises in the east
far beyond the morning star
where darkness has no place to hide

“Am I my brother’s keeper? ”
Cain did asked the Lord,
in a answer of what God had asked him
and I wonder am I?

Daleen Enslinstrydom Biography

Daleen is the name that I want people to call me. I am happily married to the poet Gert Strydom and I am a mother, grandmother and people are important to me. I do love gardening, housekeeping and Jackie, my Jack-Russell crossbreed. When I can find some time I do paint and at times I do write my thoughts to paper. I am a champion of equality among people and do believe that everyone have got the right to a life. The creator is the most important person in my life and I believe in Him with a fixed confidence Darleen: Darleen comes from the old-English name “dale” that means “she is living in the valley, ” as a dedicated friend that supports people through times of gladness and hardship, somebody who brings joy to life, somebody who is beloved, awakec full of energy, the caretaker of broken hearts, not a easy person but a woman who is virtuous and loved by children © Copyright: Helena Dorothy Enslin-Strydom for all poems on this webpage.)

The Best Poem Of Daleen Enslinstrydom

Under The Shade Of The Big Old Oak Tree

Under the shade of the old oak tree Jafta sit
and his mind wanders back as he reflects on his life
while the sun sets in the west.
He is overcome with sorrow to braking point,
he knows his time is running out and that the sun
of his own life is also setting
and that there is no return.

Life was so much easier
when he was stile younger,
yesterday is gone
and it will never return.

His eyes are weary and he looks downhearted,
he does not even see his beloved grassland
and does wonder why life does have to hurt so much?
He gazes into the setting sun and finds an answer
in the rainbow that appears after the storm.

His face is old and wrinkled
and his steps are much slower now.
He is begging for life and at this moment
his hand is stretched out
like the hand of a beggar
and he knows God and he belongs to Him
and He is his provider
like the vast plains of Africa feeds numerous animals
and since his childhood he has depended on God
like the old oak tree.

He started his life under the oak tree,
under the leave blanket he was born,
under the oak tree he grew up,
played and worked and served his King
and like the oak he was assured that God does exist.
At this place he asked Mita to marry
and the oak was the first to meet his only son.
His parents are buried near by
and now his wife is also resting here.

“Old oak tree, ” he asked the tree: “How long does one mourn?
How long will my heart be broken? ”

and as if it could hear leaves fell to the ground
as if the tree itself did grieve

Jafta closed his eyes and in this heart he did know
that some day he will be laying in the shade of his beloved oak tree
while the antelope will still roam the plains of Africa.

Daleen Enslinstrydom Comments

Walterrean Salley 21 November 2016

Beautiful poet. Beautiful poetry, rich and meaningful. I could sit and read your poems for hours. A true asset to the poetic community. Many wishes for success. Thank you.

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