David Harris Poems

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A Heartbeat Away 2

In foreign lands I may have to travel
and there I’ll meet new people each day,
but there is only one love in my heart
and you are only a heartbeat away.

Come To Part

When old friends disappear
for whatever the reason,
new friends come along
never to take their place

Some Music Can Inspire

It is strange how some music
can inspire more than others
and make you write and write.
Give you ideas, which

Halloween Quartet No 2 The Devils Specs

He picked up the glasses
from where they lay
and put them on
and as he looked around

Halloween Quartet No 4 It’s Only Halloween

Outside my bedroom door,
I heard the scratching of its claws
wanting to get into my sanctuary.
Its growl was low and chilling

Over The Years

It started in a small way
an abstract message or two
never thinking where it was leading
or how close I would become to you.

Sometimes 3

Sometimes people do not believe
who we say we are or what we do.
They think our imagination
is running in overtime

A Park Bench

Sitting on a park bench
in an old favourite haunt,
reflections of the past drift
by on origamic clouds in the blue.

Wings Of Yesterday

Love flew by me
on its wings of yesterday,
left me stranded and alone
on the island of my dreams.

A Few Minutes To Spare

Sometimes when I am out
someone will stop and talk to me
hoping I can spare
a few minutes of my time.

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