David McLansky Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Julia's Song

What will move
This child at play
Figured in a
Woman's form

Remember Me In Your Pain

Remember me in your pain
When you call out for help in vain;
When illness rots your cells inside,
When blood does bruise your proud thick hide;

riff On Pj's Riff On Jsyn's Poem

He sat in his old rusting truck
Feeling his age, and out of luck;
To his daughter-in-law
An impossible burden

Julia's Song Ii

In the night time
That very first time
Did I frighten you
As I hovered over you

Il Faut Oublier

One must forget
The taste of your skin
The salt of my tears
Spread hot and thin;

The Local Elite

They dress in furs
And leather coats;
They mingle with
'The better folks, '

Riff On Julie's Cerebral Adultery

Lock up all your husband folks,
Julie's on the prowl;
Testing them with little pokes,
Making them her pal;

How To Fight The Self-Destructive

How to fight the self-destructive?
Let us pause to be deductive;
Their planned attack? To be assaulted,
Wishing you to be then faulted;

in Memory Of Isaac Babel

I, alone, now in my craft,
Beyond all care
Of jealous wrath,
Write my thoughts

Subject Riff on Julie 's Coded Love Note Written in Lemon Juice on the Back of a Grocery Slip
DateCreated 6/8/2007 6: 43: 00 AM
PostedDate 6/8/2007 6: 38: 00 AM
Body It always pays to advertise,

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