David McLansky Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Lainey On The Cam

What will be gained by saying “Nay”
What’s modesty preserved?
Love re-beckons every day
Love is not reserved;

Lainey On The Cam 2

I spoke too quickly in my haste,
You grieve and mourn at widow’s pace;
I entered wildly at his wake
And sought to win you, a child’s mistake;

The Comfort Of A Third Wife

I make concessions to my wife
No longer expert on my own life,
My children are a rowdy bunch
Why what they do I have no hunch;


Grandpa only had one arm,
He fell off the tractor behind the barn
This was the full extent of his charm
Shirtless he sat to my alarm.

When The Bell Tolls

Should I with love
Answer silent
And not reply
My loving tyrant;

Laurel's Song

Oh sweetly heard calling songstress
Who nightly wanders in her long dress
Singing sadly 'till the dawn
Who calls as one as all forlorn;

I Sing Of The Hesperides

Those lovely nymphs of yore,
Who tended carefully the trees
By Oceania's shores;

To Jim Hiner: A Recommendation

Momma had a clothespin bag
Hanging from the line
Filled with old grey clothespins,
The wooden, springy kind,

The Pilgrim Road 5

The Mummers (5)

Pelted by cruel boys with stones,
Hunted, hounded, left alone,

When I Consider How My Days Were Spent

When I consider how my days were spent
My aimless drift in hapless, cluttered years
The foolish choices wherein my pride was rent
I the butt of mockery and sneers;

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