David Pyrs Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Meaning Of Glory

Glorious is love without fear
Of which I have come to love

Without any chains to bear

What Is The Meaning Of Life

You seek a meaning,
A lifetime long.

To answer a question,

What Matters Most In Life

Love me,
And I will love you more.

Give me a river,

Night Life

I ride the night all by myself
With only the stars to guide me through
I dim the lights and call the dark

One Heart In Life

To the stars, who light my nights.
And the one, who warms my heart.

To the raindrops quenching my fields,

Love And War

I love you,
All of you.

Not everyone,

Power Of Leverage

Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it,
And I shall, move the world.

Watch me travel over unstepped rocky paths,

Little Snowflake

Little snowflake in my hand,
Allow me to warm your heart.

Take my warmth, give me life

How To Surpass Your Limits

To excel on summits, not for reaching them.
To hold on from the within heart, not to win one.

To love for a life time not just for ever.

Pursuit Of Love

I put these words, here for you
For your eyes only to see

I let them glide down my thoughts

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