David Whalen Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Daylight Savings Time (An Urban Myth?)

Daylight savings time

Daylight savings time has been with us
For many and many years now

Random Rhyme (Killing Time)

showers give birth to rainbows
Ripples radiate from streams
Dells lie down with meadows
And nightfall gives leave to dreams


A caress can be the simple touch
A friendly squeeze of one’s shoulder

Can also mean so very much

Started Out With Nothin'

You lose a little bit of something’
Somewhere along the way

Perhaps a little more, than just a little bit,

Four Main Types Of Writers (Personal Opinion)

The Lonely Writer

Some writings tell me
This person is lonely

Why The F*#k Didn'T We Think Of That?

Why Didn’t we Think Of That!

Guess I got to admit it, I’m past my prime
Not nearly as quick-witted as I used to be

My Wife, My Treasure

My wife, my treasure
My enduring font of pleasure

Has many virtues that I admire

It's About Time

Time Is….

Ethereal and immaterial,
as a wisp of vapour

Ode To The Scent Of Cinnamon

The heady scent of cinnamon
Upon the opening of the door
The tugging out of memories
From the mind’s musty store

The Problem's In The Knowin'

I just might have a big problem
in doin’ what’s exactly right
Even tho’ I pretty much try
with all of my doggone might

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