David Whalen Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Corpus Delicti

More germs are transferred
While shaking hands
Than are transferred during
Heavy passionate kissing

Attitude And Emotion

Tenderness is greater than courage
Empathy is more understanding than sympathy
Anger is more inward than outrage
Happiness is much more than sublimity

All That Is Born Must Die

<center>No one and nothing, remains the same
Everyone has to learn to say goodbye
Every thing changes in fact and in name
All that is born must die

A Poem's Ne'Er Finished

A Poem’s never finished
tis just entirely begun
If you’ve gone back and looked
To see just what it is that you’ve done

What To Look For In A Mate

What to look for in a mate

Look for someone who makes you feel appreciated
Search for someone who you appreciate too

Grampa? A Tribute To Fathers (Especially The 'Ol F**ts)


It’s a question usually posed with an inquisitive frown
On an angelic face with large, limpid eyes

Our Amazing Dept.Of Motor Vehicles

An arcane fact in the paper this day
About our DMV and it’s mysterious way

Seems for whatever you want there’s a questionnaire

Voice Mail From Mom

Voice Mail From Mom

Buzzing sound awakes me
I pull covers up over my head

Fog, Yet Another Point Of View

Fog, Yet Another Point Of View

Near Fisherman’s Wharf, quite late at night

Please Pay Attention Pt 1

Pay Attention Part One

Your eyelids begin to flutter, shy morning light yearns to peek in
Savor that fleeting moment between worlds

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