David Wood Poems

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An Ordinary Day

The joggers running around the lake
Looked as if they were about to give birth.
They say no pain no gain but they were
Obviously stressed out to say the least.

Heaven’s Gates

I cannot reach the apple on the tree
It is always too high for me.
I can never write that perfect poem
It always eludes me no matter how

Starry Night

Oh for a starry, starry night
Heavenly lights burning bright
Shining forth their sheer delight
Oh behold what a wonderful sight.

The Greatest Loss

The day casts a long shadow,
Time passes all too slowly.
Scratches on the door, paw prints

Haiku: Friendship

Friendship is measured
By the silence between words
That don't need saying

A Day Of Love

Love is the rising glow of sunrise

That soft droplet of morning dew


The dictator's mind decides it must
Bomb a country until it's dust.

He thinks he has the mental clout,

Ode To The Wind

Wild wind, that moving spirit
Crossing oceans, deserts and plains
Where all hear it, and so many fear it.

Gentle Whispers

Every so often you hear a song
From the past that reawakens
Soft sweet memories.
And you want to hear it again.

Winters Cold Song

A tired autumn slowly surrenders
To a virulent winter with the strike
Of winters hammer on its cold anvil.

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