Dean Bottomlley

Dean Bottomlley Poems

The Station cat opens one eye with a frown,
Disturbed as the Distant and Starter drop down.
The gas lamps still hiss, and a distant dog barks.
The town is a resting, wrapped up in the dark.

How do I love thee, I cannot number the ways.
Statistic cannot limit nor measure
The joy you bring to my life.
You are the stars, moons planets of my universe.

Must get on Facebook right away.
Tell the world what I did today.
Millions of friends with nothing to say.
But no-one dare say goodbye.

The dawn peeped at the slumbering sea
Gently stroking its sandy comforter.
You are MY security blanket.
I reach for your love when scared.

Nobody finds God in the sunshine.
A Saviour to spoil the fun.
A reason to think of the future
Just when the present's begun!

William Jones, aged just six
Got himself in a awful fix.
Found he could not join in fun.
As all the time his nose would run.

I have a date, and boy she's hot.
Oh my god I've got a spot!
Will she look and see I care
Or see the zit and simply stare?

Dad is on his mobile.
Mum is on her phone.
That is all they ever do.
Out and when at home.

The cozy feel of Christmas still lingers in the air
Though tree and present wrappings are long gone to the tip.
Some gifts were very welcome, but other cast aside.
A Simpson mug that's awful, a tie you can't abide.

Damien Smith, a quiet boy
Had found himself a wondrous toy.
He played with it both night and day
Enjoying it in every way.

The bar was too crowded, stifling.
It took ages just to get my pint.
Nodding acknowledgement to work mates
Having on after work drink with someone's wife!

Death haunts not these walls;
He does not wander these corridors.
No fearful figure, no threatening scythe.
Death is here, but keeps apart.

Did anybody else even notice him?
Were they so wrapped up in their own fears that he was invisible?
How could you miss such distress?
How could he pass unseen?

I wear a mask, and it's not my fault.
Three words condemn me, and my male peers,
To a life of anger and confrontation.

I was going home on Monday night;
The sky was dark with little light.;
When from a doorway came a voice:
"Can you spare some change? "


Blood is bloody essential
But a bloody nuisance as well.
You can't bloody live without it,
But it can bloody well give you hell!

Where was it, Costa's, Starbucks, Nero's?
I cannot remember now;
But I know you arrived on time.
Our eyes met first.

Thumb in mouth contentment brings
To baby in a cot.
A blanket grasped in tiny hand
Hugs a little tot.

He sat, alone, damp, hunched.
His clothes breathing in the rain.
a tremor of shivering rippled through him:
The only movement in a frozen scene.

Spoilt little rich kid; you don't know how lucky you are;
Food from Fortnum and Mason, delivered to you in a car.
Think of the son of a poor man, earning what little he's able;
Working too hard, going without, just to put food on the table.

Dean Bottomlley Biography

At university in Oxford, final year.)

The Best Poem Of Dean Bottomlley


The Station cat opens one eye with a frown,
Disturbed as the Distant and Starter drop down.
The gas lamps still hiss, and a distant dog barks.
The town is a resting, wrapped up in the dark.

The Newspaper train rushes in with a roar,
And many a bundle flies out of a door.
There's bustle and noise as the papers they drop,
Then on down the line to the next lonely stop.

The Branch train creeps In from its home in the shed.
The driver is wishing he was tucked up in bed.
Some papers, some parcels, some milk, nothing more;
And never a passenger opens a door.

The cat slowly stretches in a moment of hush.
It knows that it's time for the everyday rush.
She'll sleep on the signal box steps, and she'll snore,
Till the late setting sun brings the silence once more.

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