Denis Martindale Poems

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Mum Knows Best

The lioness, three cubs in tow,
Observed surrounding scenes,
Much taller than her cubs and so
Would sense what intervenes...

Christian Chamber

Four chambered-hearts that beat with love
As saints when born again,
By faith with prayers that rise above,
Beyond all mortal ken,

The Zing Of Amazing Poetry!

Sometimes we write for ourselves,
yet share it with others
and who knows the amazing good
that such poetry achieves?

Beyond The Destiny!

Hello, poet, hello, poetry!
Hello to questions within!
Hello to God-blessed destiny,
If you do not give in...

As Light As A Feather!

My heart's as light as a feather,
Each time I kiss your face,
Like each time you say I'm clever
Or handy round the place...

A Positive Life

First, save up all the cash you can,
Then send the rest to me...
And always have a backup plan
Or maybe two or three...

The Shallow Sharing Time

There is something quite vulnerable here,
Like when you find a soulmate more than a friend,
A love more than a passing relationship...
The essence of trust issues being put to one side,

Superlove! By Denis Martindale

Every single time I support charities like Oxfam,

I am Superman, Batman, Spider-Man,

Fingers Of Freedom!

One morning, I looked out of the window,
as I let my eyes survey the garden,
to my amazement, I saw a butterfly,
there hanging within a spider's web,

The King Of Glory!

Surely it shall come to pass
That those who pray shall be heard,
For I am not deaf to those I love,
Whose names are known to Me.

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