Created In God's Image Poem by Denis Martindale

Created In God's Image

God's spirit yearned to recreate
Himself in human form...
He fashioned Adam to be great
With living blood so warm!
Five senses ruled his waking hours
Before his dreams were born,
But Lucifer, with jealous powers,
Looked on with mounting scorn!
'Is flesh to be eternal now? '
He pondered questions new...
'There must be more to this somehow!
Yet what am I to do?
This must not be! It can't be right!
I'll fight with my last breath! '
And so his spirit, black as night,
Grew plans for Adam's death!
When Eve awoke at Adam's side
For all eternity,
The Devil's eyes were opened wide
And fixed on trickery!
'She's weak as water, soft as clay,
As fluid as the sea...
With doubts I'll lead her trust astray -
Then she'll belong to ME! '
With words as subtle as a snake,
He slithered in her mind...
'Forbidden fruit! ? It's yours to take!
What secrets will you find?
What wisdom waits? What blessings there?
How can your heart ignore?
Discover truths God hates to share!
They'll shake you to the core! '
When Eve devoured all she could,
She laughed and Adam heard.
He, too, believed the fruit was good
And disobeyed God's word!
And so began mortality...
The Earth knows that full well!
While Satan's set for agony,
Please don't join him in Hell!
Lord Jesus died lost souls to save
And Mankind to restore...
Beyond this life... Beyond the grave...
Salvation evermore...

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