Denis Martindale Poems

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The Glory Of God's Creation!

Who has not felt calmed by the passing
of a solitary cloud across the heavens?

Who has not felt inspired

African Evening

'Isn't this nice? ' the lioness said,
'A summer breeze and day near dead
And crystal clear enough to search,
To hunt again, if I've the urge.

Sophie The Trophy?

Just because a man says he loves a woman,
He must not stand in her way if she chooses another.
To choke another is not showing love
For what that person is prepared to do.

Prove Your Love!

The rarest gemstones found on Earth
Are treasured everywhere!
As if they symbolise the worth
Of sweethearts that we share!

Eagle Watch

The morning came, the eagle stirred, one leap to fly again.
The tourists smiled to watch this bird, the envy of all men.
For who has not at one time slept and sometime in the night,
Believed that if they also leapt, they, too, could rise in flight?

Arctic Beauty

The wily wolf deserves respect.
Some children think it's cute...
But most of us, I would suspect,
Are somewhat more astute!

The Girl With Lovely Lips

So sweet of face was she to me, with eyes like sapphire stones!
Her voice a softened harmony, just like an angel owns...
Her song was music to my ears, a Spirit-filled embrace...
And I'll recall, throughout the years, a miracle took place!

Created In God's Image

God's spirit yearned to recreate
Himself in human form...
He fashioned Adam to be great
With living blood so warm!

Adam And Eve And Jesus

I wonder how beautiful Eve was. Was she so beautiful
That Adam was swayed by her beauty?
Or was it like an echo of doubt within his own heart?
Or did he believe that Eve was sent by God

Shrouded In Mystery

A haunting feeling filled the crowd
As from His cross He left.
God's Son was wrapped within His shroud
By friends who were bereft.

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