Denis Martindale Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Golden Eagle

The golden eagle, what a sight!
Across the pond, they know!
A wondrous creature when in flight,
Its silhouette aglow!

The Brotherhood Of Man

How few have asked and understood!
'Who needs a helping hand? '
I pray you'll help the brotherhood,
The Brotherhood of Man...

Survival Instinct!

White tigers know a thing or two,
Their senses are quite keen,
But then it's knowing what to do,
Stay still, serene or mean?

The Three Musketeers

Three lion cubs like musketeers
Renowned of ancient France.
Though not so ancient in their years,
Their memory enchants.

Until Whenever... (Andros Loves Wonder Woman!)

Until... whenever... who can say?
Let's meet again another day...
Let's share the looks that lingered so
That voiced the love we hoped to know.

The Measure Of Love

The measure of love, in truth, is this:
To treasure each sigh, close by, then kiss!
I've revelled each girl I yearn,
Just to discern the measure of love!

Family Values

Father And Mother, I Love You!
That spells out F.A.M.I.L.Y.
And God bless if it's oh, so true,
The way that He blessed me!

Jesus Or Barabbas?

Barabbas stood before the crowd,
Then Pontius Pilate spoke,
'One freed prisoner I'm allowed! '
And yet it was no joke.

The Happy Couple

There was no better time than this
To share one sweet embrace
And close in gently for that kiss
They both knew must take place.

The Power Of Persuasion

The power of persuasion stands
The lifelong test of time,
It brings together all the strands,
The lifeskills so sublime...

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