Denis Martindale Poems

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Silent Vigil

White tigers are conspicuous,
They stand out from the crowd!
So not to be ridiculous,
They're silent and not loud...

The Voice And The Vision

'Behold the sun, the moon, the stars! '
I heard the Saviour say!
'Beyond all these, one day you'll pass,
To meet Me here one day...'

Lord Jesus Is The Answer!

Across this world God's angels fly
As servants of the Lord
And yet not one for us could die,
God's grace to be outpoured...

From Emptiness To Holiness

With humbled hearts and empty hands some kneel before the Lord,
So poor they have no homes or lands or things that they could hoard.
They have no extra food to share, no water near to drink,
Yet they approach our God in prayer and they should make us think...

Psalm Enchanted Evening

As Summer's twilight fast descends
Upon the far-off fields
And faithful prayers are said for friends,
Held high like shining shields,

Donkeys Driven To Despair!

Have you seen those donkey adverts?
Mistreated one-by-one
And every burden hurts and hurts
While suffering the sun...

Mirror, Mirror...

That man in the mirror told me, with memories galore
And as if to warn and scold me, he pointed out each flaw...

He said, 'You ain't a millionaire, celeb or movie star!

Curious Presence

There was a presence, close to me,
With soft-like sounds no more,
At first, a solemn mystery
Until I could be sure...

The Sublime

The leopard left his sleep behind,
Arose and walked around
And with that walk his waking mind
Was glad at what he found...

Evening Drinks

The elephants had made their way
To where the water was,
The mother and her calf to stay
Until their time to cross...

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