Psalm Enchanted Evening Poem by Denis Martindale

Psalm Enchanted Evening

As Summer's twilight fast descends
Upon the far-off fields
And faithful prayers are said for friends,
Held high like shining shields,
As creatures bid the day farewell,
Adventures lost in time,
I stand here gazing at God's spell,
At starlights so sublime...

Behold the Cosmic carousel,
The twinkling, twirling dance,
The moon above we know so well,
Its phases in advance,
Its lonely vigil prophesied,
God's circle circling still,
Enough so God is glorified,
According to His will...

The owl reveals himself at night,
As he stirs from his dream
And silently propels in flight,
Below the clouds that gleam...
For life continues till the dawn,
Majestic as the day,
That's greeted by a newborn fawn
Just learning how to play...

And here am I, a child of God,
A pilgrim saved by grace,
Who's said his prayers and now must nod,
Agreeing to God's face,
That He is holy, noble, good,
Deserving of my love...
As I survey my neighbourhood
And smile at stars above...

Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2012.

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