Denis Martindale Poems

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When Summer sunshine heats my home,
Too hot for me to stay,
Towards the lake I often roam
And there swans make my day...

Regal Presence

At first, of course, I had to stare,
Snow leopards blend so well,
Yet when I saw him nestled there,
I heard that warning bell...

The Eloquence Of Friends

Behold the awesome majesty,
The eloquence of friends,
Compressed as perfect poetry,
That each heart comprehends...

A Different Perspective

The artist bought his canvas frame,
So brilliant, pristine, white,
Another chance to increase fame,
To share some new insight...

The Big Bang Eerie

All things began from nothing?
And then the nothing grew?
And then turned into something,
Quite quick, just spanking new?

You Call Yourself A Poet?

I had a dream the other night
That chilled my very soul,
A demon laughed and caused a fright
And tried to take control...

You Know It Makes Sense

The poet jingle-jangled words,
Like rockets from his brain,
His effervescent thoughts escaped
And crashdived on the page...

Watching You, Watching Me

'What's this! ? ' the cheetah asked himself,
As on the rock he stayed,
But then he crouched upon its shelf,
Intentions thus displayed...

Temple Tigers

The temple tigers calmed the pace,
They stopped us in our tracks,
It was as if they owned the place,
Deciding to relax...

A Poet's Guide To Britain

A legacy of untold wealth
Adorns the British Isles,
As if a tonic to one's health,
Beyond a million smiles...

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