A Poet's Guide To Britain Poem by Denis Martindale

A Poet's Guide To Britain

A legacy of untold wealth
Adorns the British Isles,
As if a tonic to one's health,
Beyond a million smiles...
From far and wide, the tourists fly
To roam Earth's tapestry
And yet no man need ask them why,
The truth is here to see...

Behold the cameras clicking still,
Landscapes, seascapes and more,
While love exists, they always will,
From shore-to-shore-to-shore...
Each capital attracts the crowds,
Each airport bids them near,
For cameras act as talent scouts,
As wondrous sights appear...

How many poets daily write
Of precious places seen?
God's handiwork creates delight
That keeps the tourists keen...
Thus England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales
Are loved with thankful hearts,
With loyalty that never fails,
As praise to God departs...

Each English rose that grows transforms,
Like perfumes young and old,
Our weather either chills or warms,
Depending what takes hold...
Yet through it all, what scenery!
What treasures will each find?
Yet best of all, for you and me,
Our memories that remind...

Take stock of all the journeys made
By bus, car, coach or train,
Those joyful times must never fade,
They'll never come again...
They'll be replaced by journeys new,
North, south, east, west to roam...
Each poet with a point of view,
Reflected in a poem...

Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2013.

Based on UK TV BBC FOUR series called
A Poet's Guide To Britain, with six great
works of poetry set in the British landscape.
Broadcast from Sunday,21st of July 2013.
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