Derek McCasland

Derek McCasland Poems

Hello, my old friend,
Has it only been a year?
It seems as though forever
Since we have had you here.

Memories and shadows,
Fill this empty place,
Which once was filled with joy;
Now gone without a trace.

A Walk in the Garden...
Just you and me,
Respite from our burdens,
Enraptured with thee...

Oh Lady show me
Show me how to lie,
Tell me to regroup,
And make another try.

Surrealistic mist,
Wafting through my mind,
Searching for a dream,
That's impossible to find.

It's too late,
Too late for you.
I'm fed up,
And now I'm through.

Waves slowly crashing,
Crashing into me,
Breaking 'long the shore
Of my fading memory.

Well, I just heard the thunder roar,
But I did not see the lightning;
Looking up to darkened clouds.
The bitter wind is biting.

Awoke this 'morn
To find I'd been born;
Innocence broken
And oh so forlorn.

The red-orange glow of peace;
Reprieve; solace;
Stillness in the shadows

My beautiful nightmare
Showers sweet torment
Into my slumber...

Derek McCasland Biography

I've written poetry and lyrics since I was about 12 or 13. It's how I vent; how I get away for a while; how I best express myself. I fronted for a rock band for 3 years, in which time I wrote all the lyrics to our songs, as well as the arrangements. I also helped with melody often. That was a great experience. It was from that journey with good friends and wonderful music that I realized I wanted to be an author (or maybe I should say writer))

The Best Poem Of Derek McCasland

For Papa

Hello, my old friend,
Has it only been a year?
It seems as though forever
Since we have had you here.

Remember all the times
We made eachother laugh?
Or the times when I was weak..
You were my sturdy staff.

I miss your strong hugs,
And the way you made me smile,
Our long walks through the forest,
Chatting all the while.

I really hope you know,
The things I never said,
The thoughts I didn't share,
Those times from you I fled.

I know that you can see me,
And it helps to ease the pain,
I hope that I have honored you,
And never caused you shame.

Look over me now
As I head out into Life
Give me strength through the sorrow,
Illness, pain, and strife.

I hope that you can see me..
And how I'm so in Love,
Another member to our family,
Sent from up above.

And when we have our children,
They will always know your name,
Visit sometime Papa...
We'll be so glad you came.

I Love you and I keep you,
Deep within my soul,
Thank you for making me,
The man she Loves to hold.

I Love you...I miss you...

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