Dipankar Sadhukhan Poems

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The Wine Of Creativity

When the mountain stops
To expand its petals in the sky;
When the blue sea stops
To move into the cave of the earth,

Take Me Into Your Arms

Take me into your arms
And touch me gently
With your holy fingers
To make me a lyre.

Love Me Much

Love me much; love me badly.
My heart has been thirsty for many many years.
I'll drink even the last drop of your holy love to quench my thirst.

Poem No: 65. My Lord! Can You Listen To My Prayer?

My Lord! can You listen to my prayer?
How shall I express how much I suffer?
Man is man's enemy as man kills man.
To be cruel one has become other's fan.

Even After Thousand Years

Even after thousand years
I will be seeing myself
Standing on the oasis
Only to take rest

On The Pages Of My Life

On the pages of my life
You will find one's childhood
Singing a melancholy song
Like the owl's cry at midnight.

087. After Sixteen Years

Few days ago at a lonely night
I was busy in composing verse.
Suddenly my cell rang.
When I took it, ringing stopped.

আমাদের সম্পর্ক (Our Relationship)

স্বপ্ন নয়, মায়া নয়, ভ্রম নয় -
এ এক হৃদয়ের মহান অনুভূতি
তোমার সাথে কথা বলা
শব্দহীন শব্দে দিন ও রাতে।

085. Universe Of Our Love

Just before the sun setting
Standing on the meadow
When I look at the vast sky,
I feel - the universe is enormous

072. Your Alluring Beauty And Divine Love

My senses are benumbed
And cells are drowsy
As they are over drunk
With the fragrance of your Love

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