Dr Dj

Dr Dj Poems

Death. IT can wait
IT can wait just a bit longer
Soon I will welcome IT
Because IT is in my head

She never really wants to know about me
except questions of Money? ?
I never get a spontaneous Hi! , how are you!
I think I'm just a convenient distraction

To look in her eyes, I see a glimpse..
a fleeting feeling of love for a second
And then...
It creeps in..


My Father just celebrated his 90th Birthday! And for some reason I was remembering my first deer, my only deer, I ever killed. I went with my father on my first hunting trip to his ranch just north of Hondo, TX. I had been there many times before, riding all over the ranch in a surplus WW2 jeep with my father driving, across creeks swollen with rain! Across cattle guards With the Big White Bull standing guard, in the way of the gate we have to pass through. Sevenyear old Me was scared as sh*t of that bull... but this is a few years later, I must have been about 12. Anyway, He had a blind set up, not far from a feeder, with a good view of the open field and feeder. We climbed up the ladder into the Blind. He got me all situated. Windows all open, Rifle all loaded. And he said "just aim, take the safety off, and shoot if you see anything". And then my father climbed back down the ladder, to go do, I have no idea what. I don't think he thought I would actually see a deer, but with wishful hoping I would.. It was the time of day where the sun isn't quite setting, its just before, just when the light starts to change ever so slightly, you can hardly notice it, but this is when the deer begin to stir. So, I'm waiting...... waiting..... waiting.....I see nothing out of any of the windows, And I get distracted. I then see this yellow jacket nest and a can of insecticide in the blind. And the Yellow jackets are buzzing about, so I'm thinking "might as well kill something", so I start selectively killing individual Yellow Jackets flying about the deer blind. Making all this noise. If a deer was around surely it would stay away hearing all the rattling around I was making in the blind. And then, all of a sudden, I had this feeling SHOOT through ME, Like
a Train, that's fully loaded, and it will not stop, It won't stop until I acknowledge that it's there. It's a feeling that just hit my brain as "DEER". (this is a common occurrence through out my life, I don't know what it is, all I know is it has saved my life on a few occasions, and screamed at me very loud when I'm doing something wrong, and especially told me when people close to me have died, but that's a different story) So I put the can of wasp killer down. Look out one window, nothing. I slowly pull the rifle up, taking the safety off. Look out the other window....nothing, and then I hear a "snap" behind me. Out the back window I look, and I can feel the hair is standing erect on the back of my neck, and all over my arms, even the small hair on my hands begins to stand at attention. I look to the opposite side of where the feeder is and.... it's a DEER! And the deer is Slowly sniffing through the brush, slowly working it's way through the thick mixture or small oak trees, larger cedar trees, and thick brush that I have no Idea what it is! I slowly pull the rifle up. And Looking through the scope I can see its got at least three spikes, so its fair game, NOT a Doe. I switch the safety off, I put my finger on the trigger And my heart starts pounding, and I mean POUNDING! It was Pounding like it was when I lost my virginity, It was the same pounding in my chest when I was driving 130 MPH in my 70 Mach 1 (yes teenagers are stupid!)My heart pounding and pounding. I could literally hear the pounding in my ears, I could feel my chest thumping and thumping, echoing into my arms, traveling down my legs, making me tremble, all the way into my hands, all through out my whole body! They'll tell you it's called "Buck Fever" I have another name for it! "Blood-lust" There is nothing like the feeling when you take a life! ! All my senses were screaming at me! ! My Adrenaline was pumping into my veins stoking The Blood-Lust further, all the while I'm trying my best in my mind, to keep myself calm, trying to keep my sights on the DEER! And then for a few seconds I lost the deer behind a tree. My heart is pounding even harder, and my hands have started shaking as I see it emerge from the other side of the tree and I try my best to aim better, I try so hard to steady the rifle, to see the deer in my sights, to get a good clean shot in his neck..... but adrenaline takes over, And I just pull the trigger! ! !

BAM! ! !

One Nite
UnFathomed Sensations
Bottomless High

To Just talk to you
To be beside you
To Laugh with you
To Cry with you

Lucky Soap and Suds,
Flowing, Dripping, Caressing, Precious Skin
Lucky water gently Streaming, Dripping, Flowing,
Across Wondrous Curves.....

I see
Threads about me
curling lines of thought
self-conscious trails

Things are not much different
Nights and days are kinda the same
But I did recently meet this really cool girl

The Next Next Next or so Day
Things are very, very different
I don't think Nights and Days will ever be the same
See, I met this ***** incredible Girl

Too many days
Things are lost to me
Nights and Days are jaded, sleep allusive,
It never comes willingly

I wish the clouds to go away......
The Sun is hiding....
I lost My Muse's voice...
My soul is drowned in spirits...

I Touch her Hair
My fingers feel again
I Kiss her Neck
My Lips feel again

Always Unwanted
Those Haunting Memories
Hoping for a chance to escape
become good friends with a big bottle

Suzie Q is flat on her back
I'm looking at her rack
n' grinning like a Cheshire Cat
can't wait


I hope to completely eliminate them
They are the one thing
That will kill me


The wall
The wall
let me rest my head against the wall
Steady me

In my younger days
I very much enjoyed
Watching a beautiful slender woman
Dance on a stage for a dollar!

A small suspicion
Of marital sedition
seeded by lovers eyes
With Intimate gaze avoided

The Best Poem Of Dr Dj

Simply Death Walking

Death. IT can wait
IT can wait just a bit longer
Soon I will welcome IT
Because IT is in my head
getting bigger
getting stronger

How much time does anyone have?
I suggest you make the best of every minute, every second
one day you will share a walk with IT
one day someone you love will take a walk with IT
Cherish the ones you love and hold so dear
One minute your could be looking into the eyes of your love,
Completely happy and content...
And a few days later you're whispering in her ear to wake up
Begging her
Pleading to her
To Listen.....

Because they say she's brain dead, and tomorrow they are going to disconnect....
They are going kill you Tomorrow for your organs..

For your "parts", for your "corneas" is what they said....
We really don't need your permission they say....
We can declare her dead right now they say....

I guess she couldn't hear me.

Those soulless individuals were happy to....
And did Kill her the next day.
And I curse, I do still curse every year on this day.

Maybe I'll visit them some day....
For a conversation...
Do you remember the life you extinguished that day, twenty years ago?
I can easily remind you.....

Twenty Years ago this June,2019
On Flag Day to be precise.

Time heals everything..Right!
Time just dulls the pain...in little increments....

It's like the exponential decay rate of Cobalt-60
You feel maybe half the pain every 5 years.

That is until you remember, remember everything you lost that day.
Everything about her.

I Remember her wit! , Her Intelligence! Her Beauty! Her Grace.
She was everything!

Then it starts all over all over again!

"Always Unwanted
Haunted by Memories
Hoping for a chance to escape
become good friends with a big bottle
Only then I forget
or become so numb I don't care
"To Forget" will never come
Memories will always find their way back home
No matter how hard you try to kill them"

And I am left with not knowing where she is now!
My Dearest! My Best Friend, My Love! My Tiger Swan!
She was Ferocious, and yet so gentle..
She knew my thoughts at the exact same time knew them
We were connected in a way I can't explain

I know I will see you again someday, My Love
I truly hope it is in the next life we find each other....
Or Maybe the one after that......


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